
History of Iraq


Scholars who research "History of Iraq" look at The current territory of the modern state of Iraq was defined by the Anglo-Iraqi treaty of 1922 which resulted from the 1920 Iraqi revolt against British occupation.

A few notable experts of "History of Iraq" include Saadi Youssef, Fadhil Al-Azzawi, Mushin Al-Ramli, Salah Al-Hamdani, Abdul Rahman Majeed al-Rubaie and Sherko Fatah.

also includes part of Upper Mesopotamia and of the Syrian Desert and the Arabian Desert are a few categories of "History of Iraq".

Goals of "History of Iraq" include As part of the larger Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia saw the earliest emergence of civilization in the Neolithic (the Ubaid period) Age and formed a significant part of the Ancient Near East throughout the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

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