

"Oceanography" is Oceanography also known as oceanology, is the study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean.

A few scholars of "Oceanography" include In 1881 the geographer John Francon Williams published a seminal book, Geography of the Oceans. Between 1907 and 1911 Otto Krümmel published the Handbuch der Ozeanographie,.

Some questions in "Oceanography" involve It is an important Earth science, which covers a wide range of topics, including ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical fluid dynamics; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor.

Why study "Oceanography"? Oceanography is the study of the ocean environment and its inhabitants. A degree in oceanography gives you a firm foundation in biology, chemistry, geology and physics. There's lots of hands-on training, too. With such broad skills, our graduates are well prepared to understand and help manage the world's oceans.

What's inside?

  • Submarine topography

    "Submarine topography" is ocean geographical features and variant depth of the ocean floor. oceanic landforms, topographic elements, abyssal plains, oceanic trenches, oceanic plateaus are a few...

  • Oceanography of Tides

    People who study "Oceanography of Tides" investigate the changes in the ocean caused by the moon and sun's gravitational pull. Why study "Oceanography of Tides"? track the activity in the ocean. A...

  • Ocean-atmosphere interaction

    "Ocean-atmosphere interaction" is the study of the different interactions between earth's oceans and the atmosphere. Shang-Ping Xie and Julian P. McCreary, Jr are some authorities of...

  • Physical oceanography

    "Physical oceanography" is the field of the study of physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean. Coriolis effect, Ekman transport, Langmuir circulation are a few categories of...

  • Oceanography of Currents

    People who study "Oceanography of Currents" investigate how the 5 major currents in the ocean travel over the globe affecting and acting upon land masses, populations, agriculture, weather and other...

  • Oceanography of Waves

    "Oceanography of Waves" is the examination of "Oceanography of Waves" is the study of waves. Some reasons we look at "Oceanography of Waves" include is to develop an understanding of the total Earth...

  • Marine pollution

    People who study "Marine pollution" investigate living things in ocean and impact of ocean environment. Why study "Marine pollution"? avoid polluting and killing Marine ecosystem and exploration of...

  • Chemical oceanography

    "Chemical oceanography" is the examination of the complex chemistry of the oceans and seas. Some subfields in "Chemical oceanography" include Chemical diagenesis in sediments, mineralogy, and...

Want learn more? Try one of these…

  • Geography

    People who study "Geography" investigate Science and physics. study about geography is some of the cause to investigate "Geography". Some subfields in "Geography" include CLIMATOLOGY & OCEANOGRAPHY,...

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