Subject History

History: Toxicology

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  • Name: Toxicology
  • Body:

    "Toxicology" is the field of Toxicology is a discipline, overlapping with biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine, that involves the study of the adverse effects of chemical substances on living organisms and the practice of diagnosing and treating exposures to toxins and toxicants. The relationship between dose and its effects on the exposed organism is of high significance in toxicology. Factors that influence chemical toxicity include the dosage (and whether it is acute or chronic), route of exposure, species, age, sex, and environment. Toxicologists are experts on poisons and poisoning.

    A few scholars of "Toxicology" include Mathieu Orfila, Schrager, TF (October 4, 2006). "What is Toxicology".

    Dosage, Route of exposure, Non-human animals, Alternative testing methods, Dose response complexities are a few categories of "Toxicology".

    Some reasons we look at "Toxicology" include The relationship between dose and its effects on the exposed organism is of high significance in toxicology. Factors that influence chemical toxicity include the dosage (and whether it is acute or chronic), route of exposure, species, age, sex, and environment. Toxicologists are experts on poisons and poisoning.