
Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis


"Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis" is how the government responds to a state of emergency.

A few scholars of "Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis" include Agamben, Giorgio, Walter Benjamin, Carl Schmitt,.

Goals of "Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis" include help future generations make better decisions.

Some subfields in "Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis" include World War 2, Vietnam War, Post 9/11 Response.

Want learn more? Try one of these…

  • Law

    "Law" is the system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. Professionals of "Law" include Thomas Hobbes, Thurman Arold, Glanville Williams. ...

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