

"Sculpture" is the examination of the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.

Some subfields in "Sculpture" include surrealism, modernism, stone sculpture, metal sculpture.

A few scholars of "Sculpture" include Donatello, Michelangelo.

Some reasons we look at "Sculpture" include be moved by nature and humanity, express themselves.

What's inside?

  • Portrait sculpture

    "Portrait sculpture" is the examination of the design and execution of a 3-d likeness of a subject. improve their basic artistic skills, achieve self expression, or to acquire a marketable skill is...

  • Religious monuments and shrines

    Scholars who research "Religious monuments and shrines" look at a holy or sacred place, which is dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, daemon, or similar figure of awe and...

  • History of Sculpture

    Scholars who research "History of Sculpture" look at Understanding methods on how they are made, where they were made, why and how they were used. Goals of "History of Sculpture" include Understand...

  • Sepulchral monuments

    "Sepulchral monuments" is the examination of the funerary lot and its definition in the spirit of the ancient Roman law system, as it’s reflected in the epigraphs inscribed on funerary monuments. R....

  • Sculptural monuments

    "Sculptural monuments" is the study of monumental sculpture is large sculpture regardless of purpose, carrying a sense of permanent, solid, objects, rather than the temporary or fragile assemblages...

  • Restoration of sculptures

    "Restoration of sculptures" is the study of how to restore a sculpture that has been worn by time. A few scholars of "Restoration of sculptures" include J. Landis (Lanny) Martin, Dr. Christoph...

  • Equestrian statues

    Scholars who research "Equestrian statues" look at a statue of a rider on a horse. Professionals of "Equestrian statues" include Thomas Crawford, Francois Girardon, Donatello. Some questions in...

  • Sculpture designs and technique

    "Sculpture designs and technique" is the examination of how sculpture gets made. Some subfields in "Sculpture designs and technique" include carving, assembling, casting, and modeling. Piotrovsky,...

Want learn more? Try one of these…

  • Visual Arts

    "Visual Arts" is the field of forms such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, drawing, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking, and architecture. Goals of "Visual Arts" include...

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