

Scholars who research "Psychology" look at of the mind and behavior.

Professionals of "Psychology" include Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, and B.F. Skinner.

Several topics in "Psychology" include personality, intelligence, sleep, therapy, and children.

People study "Psychology" in order to understand themselves and other people.

What's inside?

  • Psychology of consciousness and cognition

    "Psychology of consciousness and cognition" is the study of individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environment.

    RE Ornstein, GW Farthing, K Wilber, and...

  • Subliminal projection

    "Subliminal projection" is the study of any sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception.

    Schlaghecken, Eimer, Loftus, and Klinger are some authorities of "Subliminal...

  • Psychology of feelings and emotions

    Scholars who research "Psychology of feelings and emotions" look at the perception of events within the body and how it is affected by various stimuli.

    Professionals of "Psychology of feelings and...

  • Developmental psychology

    Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why human beings change over the course of their life. Originally concerned with infants and children, the field has expanded to include...

  • Experimental psychology

    "Experimental psychology" is Experimental psychology refers to work done by those who apply experimental methods to psychological study and the processes that underlie it. Experimental psychologists...

  • Psychology of will, volition, choice, and control

    Scholars who research "Psychology of will, volition, choice, and control" look at the cognitive process by which an individual decides on and commits to a particular course of action. Several topics...

  • Psychotropic drugs

    "Psychotropic drugs" is Any drug capable of affecting the mind, emotions, and behavior. Some legal drugs, such as lithium for bipolar disorder, are psychotropic. Stimulants, Antidepressants,...

  • Telepathy

    "Telepathy" is scientific community to be pseudoscience. Several topics in "Telepathy" include Zener Cards, Dream telepathy, Ganzfeld experiment. Why study "Telepathy"? Enigmatic Malaysia, Romanian...

  • Gestalt psychology

    "Gestalt psychology" is the study of the laws behind the ability to acquire and maintain meaningful perceptions in an apparently chaotic world. Professionals of "Gestalt psychology" include Tuck,...

  • Psychology of sex and sexual behavior

    "Psychology of sex and sexual behavior" is the study of Sexology. Why study "Psychology of sex and sexual behavior"? Understand basic biological mechanisms regulating sexual behavior and motivation,...

  • Hypnotism

    "Hypnotism" is human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. A few scholars of "Hypnotism" include Franz Anton Mesmer,...

  • Applied psychology

    Scholars who research "Applied psychology" look at is the application of psychological principles to solve problems of the human experience, including the workplace, health, product design, law and...

  • Psycholinguistics

    "Psycholinguistics" is the examination of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. Jacob Robert Kantor, Nicholas Henry Pronko are a few specialists of...

  • Psychology of sleep

    People who study "Psychology of sleep" investigate sleep and evaluates and treats sleep disorders. Alistair W. MacLean, Benjamin Rusak, Ravi Allada are a few specialists of "Psychology of sleep"....

  • Demonology

    Scholars who research "Demonology" look at demons or demonic belief. A few notable experts of "Demonology" include Edward Langton, Nicholas Rémy. People study "Demonology" in order to understand the...

  • Genetic psychology

    "Genetic psychology" is the examination of genetic influence on human behavior. Some motivations are investigate the impact of genes on personality traits. Several topics in "Genetic psychology"...

  • Psychoanalysis

    Scholars who research "Psychoanalysis" look at set of theories and therapeutic techniques related to the study of the unconscious mind. A few notable experts of "Psychoanalysis" include Aziz, Robert,...

  • Differential psychology

    "Differential psychology" is personality traits and individual behaviors. placebo, neurochemistry, self-efficacy are a few categories of "Differential psychology". People study "Differential...

  • Graphology, the study of handwriting

    "Graphology, the study of handwriting" is the study of researching written and printed symbols and including writing systems. Professionals of "Graphology, the study of handwriting" include Barbara...

  • Psychology of personality

    People who study "Psychology of personality" investigate personality and its variation among individuals. Some motivations are further their studies to be a therapist. Several topics in "Psychology...

  • Psychology of human-alien encounters

    "Psychology of human-alien encounters" is the examination of The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories" of being secretly kidnapped by nonhuman figures...

  • Aesthesiology, the psychology of sensation

    "Aesthesiology, the psychology of sensation" is the examination of Sensation is the process that allows our brains to take in information via our five senses, which can then be experienced and...

  • Psychological tests and testing

    "Psychological tests and testing" consists of a series of tests that help determine the cause of psychological symptoms and disorders, to determine the correct diagnosis and follow up with the...

  • Parapsychology

    "Parapsychology" is mental and spiritual phenomena that fall outside of the traditional scope of psychology or neurology. Some motivations are understand more about and in the hopes of improving the...

  • Occult divinations

    "Occult divinations" is the study of the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of ritual or process. Professionals of "Occult divinations" include Sonia Silva, Michael Loewe,...

  • Psychology of motivation

    People who study "Psychology of motivation" investigate the art of motivating and helping others in a positive way by targeting the mind and thoughts. Professionals of "Psychology of motivation"...

  • Clairvoyance

    "Clairvoyance" is the examination of Being able to speak to the dead. Some subfields in "Clairvoyance" include Psychics, Tarot Readings, Palm Readings at fares. Professionals of "Clairvoyance"...

  • Occult sciences

    "Occult sciences" is hidden, paranomal and deeper spiritual reality. A few scholars of "Occult sciences" include Christina Howells, George Heffernan, Edwin McCann. Some subfields in "Occult...

  • Comparative psychology

    "Comparative psychology" is the behavior of non-human animals. Sara J. Shettleworth, Charles Darwin, and George Romanes are some authorities of "Comparative psychology". understand the creatures...

  • Witchcraft

    "Witchcraft" is the field of practice of magical skills and abilities exercised by solitary practitioners and groups. Some subfields in "Witchcraft" include Spell casting, necromancy, White witches....

  • Physiognomy

    "Physiognomy" is the study of facial features or expressions of a person. evaluate the personality characteristics of a person is some of the cause to investigate "Physiognomy". Francis Galton, Carl...

  • Occult astrology

    Scholars who research "Occult astrology" look at analyze information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. Cary J....

  • Occult science of ghosts, apparitions, hauntings

    "Occult science of ghosts, apparitions, hauntings" is the study of the supernatural and metaphysical phenomena of life after death. Several topics in "Occult science of ghosts, apparitions,...

Want learn more? Try one of these…

  • Philosophy

    "Philosophy" is the examination of Attempting to understand the world, in all its aspects. Epistemology, Logic, Metaphysics are a few themes of "Philosophy". understand the language we use to...

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