

People who study "Pharmacology" investigate drug action, where a drug can be broadly defined as any man-made, natural, or endogenous (from within the body) molecule which exerts a biochemical or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism.

Why study "Pharmacology"? describe interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that affect normal or abnormal biochemical function.

Some questions in "Pharmacology" involve Drug development and safety testing, Drug legislation and safety, Theory of pharmacology.

Peter D. Conlon, Carolyn Kerr, Louise Larose are a few specialists of "Pharmacology".

What's inside?

  • Diet therapy

    People who study "Diet therapy" investigate practical application of nutrition as a preventative or corrective treatment of disease. A few scholars of "Diet therapy" include Dr. Jason Fung, Dr....

  • Physical therapy

    Scholars who research "Physical therapy" look at Physical therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions that, by using mechanical force. Some subfields in...

  • Antibiotic therapy

    "Antibiotic therapy" is antimicrobial substance active against bacteria and fighting bacterial infections. Professionals of "Antibiotic therapy" include NR Anthonisen, J Manfreda, CP Warren, M...

  • Drug administration

    "Drug administration" is the examination of the techniques to spread a pharmacological substance in the body of the patient. Enteral/gastrointestinal administration, Parenteral, Topical are a few...

  • Misuse of therapeutic drugs

    "Misuse of therapeutic drugs" is the field of is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others, and is a form...

  • Rehabilitation therapy

    "Rehabilitation therapy" is the examination of 'Rehabilitation therapy' is the study of ways to help people affected by injury, illness or disability regain their independence. Some questions in...

  • Drug prescribing

    People who study "Drug prescribing" investigate hospitalization, medication, patients, Polypharmacy. Some motivations are Study Drugs The term "study drugs" refers to prescription drugs used to...

  • Endocrinotherapy

    People who study "Endocrinotherapy" investigate chemical messenger system comprising feedback loops of hormones and using those hormones to treat others. Several topics in "Endocrinotherapy" include...

  • Chemotherapy

    "Chemotherapy" is the examination of Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. A few notable...

  • Prescription writing

    "Prescription writing" is the field of specific annotation that is developed to assess medication safety of patients. Several topics in "Prescription writing" include How to Write a Prescription,...

  • Nonprescription drugs

    People who study "Nonprescription drugs" investigate Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medicines sold directly to a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional, as opposed to...

  • Immunotherapy

    "Immunotherapy" is the field of a type of cancer treatment that helps your immune system fight cancer. Some reasons we look at "Immunotherapy" include know and understand the immune system while...

  • Vitamin therapy

    "Vitamin therapy" is the study of the use of vitamins to prevent or cure diseases. Some questions in "Vitamin therapy" involve beneficial uses, intravenous vitamin therapy, and clinical studies. ...

  • Rehabilitation technology

    Scholars who research "Rehabilitation technology" look at how new technological inventions can be used to rehabilitate those with physical or mental injuries or disabilities. Tiziano Marovino DPT MPH...

Want learn more? Try one of these…

  • Medicine

    "Medicine" is the examination of human health, the maintenance of wellness, and diagnosis and treatment of disease. understand, maintain and improve human health and treat illness is some of the...

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