
Folklore of supernatural beings -- demons, fairies, ghosts...


"Folklore of supernatural beings -- demons, fairies, ghosts..." is traditional beliefs, customs and stories of a community that has been passed down through the ages by word or mouth.

Cryptozoologist, librarians, historians, socialogist, writers is some of the cause to investigate "Folklore of supernatural beings -- demons, fairies, ghosts...".

Big Foot, Yeti, Lochness Monster, Windingo are a few specialists of "Folklore of supernatural beings -- demons, fairies, ghosts...".

Some questions in "Folklore of supernatural beings -- demons, fairies, ghosts..." involve story telling, urban legends, myths, superstitions.

Want learn more? Try one of these…

  • Folklore

    Scholars who research "Folklore" look at culture and its common oral, written, and artistic traditions related to a certain group. Some reasons we look at "Folklore" include learn about various...

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