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What are the goals of this subject?"Fuel chemical engineering" is the field of fuel process and combustion chemistry, reduction of pollutant emmission, and char reactivity.the area of study interfaces with two of the intellectal frontiers in chemistry, namely chemical kinetics and chemical theory. Some subfields in "Fuel chemical engineering" include principles of solid fuel blending, explosions of clouds of combustible liquid droplets in air, the combustion process and combustion analysis, coal as fuel, active carbon fibers. A few scholars of "Fuel chemical engineering" include AM Kulliev, J Zaidi, T Matsuura, T Ishihara, C Song, MM Maroto-Valer. Why study "Fuel chemical engineering"? ato void fuel use by directly converting sunlight to electricity using photovoltaics, to investigate improved methods for hydrogen storage for automotive applications, to investigate improved methods for power and chemical production from Victorian brown coal and biomass including advanced dewatering technologies, chemical looping processes.
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