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Describe low-frequency oscillators.
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Write your pageA low frequency oscillator is an oscillator with a frequency below the human range of hearing, below 30 Hz or so. We can't directly hear a low frequency oscillator. A low frequency oscillator can be any wave shape. Most common is the sine wave. We can use square, triangle, rectangle, sawtooth, and just about any other form as a low frequency oscillator. Like any other oscillator, low frequency oscillators have the parameters of shape, amplitude, and frequency.  The purpose of a low frequency oscillator is to change a parameter, or many parameters, of either a sound generator or sound modifier. For example, we can put a low frequency oscillator as the source of a cutoff frequency to a filter. We will discuss common use cases of low frequency oscillators in the "modulation effects" unit. By changing parameters over time, we can add interest to our music. Change is good!  This field allows Markdown format.
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